2nd of January ,2024

What are the corrosion phenomena of stainless steel in various environments?

Stainless steel may occur in different types of corrosion in different use environments. The following are some common stainless steel corrosion phenomena:

Uniform corrosion

Refers to corrosion that is performed at the same speed on the surface of the metal. This corrosion is usually caused by the metal surface exposure to the corrosive medium, such as acid, alkali, salt, etc., which are caused.

Point erosion: refers to small and deep local corrosion pits formed on the metal surface. Ettimer is usually due to defects, scratches, scale, etc. of the metal surface, causing the passivation film in the local area to break, which causes corrosion.

Gap corrosion

Refers to corrosion that occurs on the gaps, holes, pads, etc. on the metal surface. This corrosion is usually due to the poor flow of the solution in the gap, which causes the corrosive ion concentration in the solution to increase the concentration of corrosive ions, which causes corrosion.

Crystal corrosion

Refers to corrosion occurred on the interface between metal grains. This corrosion is usually due to the long -term exposure of metal at high temperature to the corrosive medium, resulting in poverty in the alloy elements at the crystal world, which causes corrosion.

Stress corrosion and cracking

Refers to the crispy rupture of metal materials under the common action of stress stress and specific corrosive environment. This corrosion is usually because metal materials produce local stress concentration in a specific corrosive environment, which causes rupture.

Different stainless steel materials may occur in different types of corrosion in different use environments. Therefore, when choosing stainless steel materials, you need to choose appropriate stainless steel materials and protective measures according to the specific use environment and requirements to avoid the occurrence of corrosion.

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